dark sky
With our feet firmly on the ground, we look up and discover new and better ways to gaze at the sky.
starlight tourism destination
astronomical observatory
mobile observatory
capacity building and training for partners
tourism, territorial development, science, and innovation
open map
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Starlight Aldeias do Xisto – Between Sky and Earth, Illuminated by the Stars
The dark sky of the Aldeias do Xisto is unique, not only because it offers excellent conditions for observation but also because what lies beneath it is equally distinctive. It is from this relationship between the earth and the sky that the opportunities explored, enhanced, and energized by Starlight Aldeias do Xisto arise, uniting tourism, territorial development, science, and innovation. The strategic pillars of the Starlight Aldeias do Xisto project include the coordination of brands and partners, the implementation of an observatory and its associated lighting design project, the creation of a mobile workshop related to the dark sky, the technical training of partners, technical and scientific hosting, the activation and promotion of this new destination, national and international marketing, and impact evaluation.

From Apparent Weakness Emerged a Resource
What connects us to the essential manifests itself in our relationship with nature, the community spirit, and also the firmament, the cosmos. If we could turn off all the lights on Earth, the sky would become wonderful and astonishing everywhere. Unfortunately, as we turn on the lights, we dim the sky. This phenomenon allows the sky of the Aldeias do Xisto to be certified as one of the rare skies in the world, particularly in the Western world. What has protected this fantastic resource is an apparent weakness: the absence of economic activity, a sparse population, less light, less light pollution, combined with a rugged landscape, a very particular orography of the central mountain range that shields against light pollution from the coast.
Starlight Tourist Destination
The Starlight Foundation awarded the Aldeias do Xisto with the Starlight Tourist Destination international certification. Alongside the excellent conditions of visibility, transparency, darkness and number of nights with clean skies, this accreditation also attests to the commitment of public, private, and scientific bodies, and the readiness and quality of tourist services, augmented by the genuine interest of the resident community. Besides all this, about 50% of the nights are clear, allowing for unobstructed sky observation. This combination of factors shapes a new tourist strategy that goes beyond merely observing the sky and becomes a strategic focus that reconciles tourism development with social and environmental sustainability, thus transforming an ostensible weakness in the area into a positively distinctive economic and cultural asset.

The Right to a Dark Sky
The Starlight Foundation recognizes that the observation of stars has always been an inspiration for the development of cultures and civilizations, leading to many of the technical and scientific advances that have marked human progress. However, the conditions for observing the night sky have been deteriorating at a concerning rate, a process that presents humanity with a cultural, scientific, and natural loss with unpredictable consequences. In this regard, the Foundation's work acknowledges the value and importance of humanity's relationship with the stars, advocating for the conservation, protection, and enhancement of this collective heritage. This mission resonates with the Aldeias do Xisto, which, through this project, also embraces and supports it.
Symbolic Wonder
Ultimately, here in the Aldeias do Xisto, that is all that matters: looking up on a clear New Moon night and simply allowing ourselves to be amazed by the explosion of bright points suspended in the celestial dome. If we surrender to that moment, if we truly let ourselves be enveloped by the idea of profound infinity, we will return to our place as symbolic beings, intimately connected to nature and its inexorable rotation. We will finally reconnect with a transcendent search for meaning that, rather than causing us anguish, reconciles us with the purest human condition. Look up and find yourself again.

Pampilhosa da Serra Astronomical Observatory
Not being a purely scientific project, Starlight Aldeias do Xisto relies on and benefits from existing infrastructures in the region, such as the PASO - Pampilhosa da Serra Astronomical Observatory, located in Porto da Balsa. This facility is unique in the Northern Hemisphere and allows for tracking and detecting satellites, as well as monitoring space debris that could damage these satellites. In addition to its scientific and research aspects, this station has a strong potential for astro-tourism. The idea is to make the station accessible to visitors, giving them the opportunity to handle the available equipment and/or use their own equipment.
Consortium of Partners
Starlight Aldeias do Xisto is led by ADXTUR and funded by Centro 2020 and Turismo de Portugal. The initial network of partners includes the Intermunicipal Community of the Coimbra Region, the Telecommunications Institute of the University of Aveiro, and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. The implementation of the Starlight Aldeias do Xisto project was formalized on July 8, 2021, in the Aldeia do Xisto of Fajão, Pampilhosa da Serra, with the signing of a protocol uniting 24 entities closely and directly involved in territorial development. Strengthening strategic connections, generating economic and social opportunities, developing exclusive tourism products, safeguarding natural and built heritage, and promoting the quality of life for local populations are some of the central themes of the document.