AXIS is the database of the Geoscope, organized into thematic axes to facilitate consultation in the vast library of astronomical knowledge.
- axis
- time
- technology
- humanity

AXIS – library of astronomical knowledge
The Geoscope is a pedagogical project with a multidisciplinary vocation that brings together the active community with an interest in astronomy. The associated thematic diversity is multipolar.
The diagramming of the AXIS axes - TIME, TECHNOLOGY, and HUMANITY - aims to facilitate the interconnection and understanding of the respective content areas.

human development
The history of the Universe perpetuates ancestral knowledge, allowing us a different understanding of contemporary space exploration.
turning point
Awareness of humanity’s use of the earth and space, light pollution, space debris, sustainability.

contemporary astronomy
From the Fajão radio telescope to the large telescopes of the Atacama. Astronomy, astrophysics, and a broad range of related sciences. Cosmology, which studies the origin, structure, and evolution of the Universe.
space exploration
cybernetic machines
Humanity and robotic vehicles, the science and technology that allow us to explore the cosmos through unmanned and autonomous missions to the edges of the solar system.

reality, observation, and cycles
Looking at the sky and exploring the wonders of this biotope. Observing the sky from our own eyes to the eyes of the James Webb Telescope. From optical dimensions to cybernetic dimensions.
fiction, awareness, and philosophy
We rarely look up. We live on a two-dimensional surface and need to understand three-dimensionality. For this, we need to look up. Astronomy is the science that helps us see and understand that three-dimensionality.
- database
The Geoscope database aggregates the research conducted during the development of this project and is managed to facilitate access, manipulation, and updating of the data. It can be used in a variety of applications.
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