XJazz - Émile Parisien and Roberto Negro in Sobral de São Miguel

XJazz - Émile Parisien and Roberto Negro in Sobral de São Miguel

Sobral de São Miguel
This French duo is a vehicle for a music without frontiers, drawing from both erudite and traditional influences.

XJazz- Jazz Encounters in the Aldeias do Xisto invites Émile Parisien (soprano sax) and Roberto Negro (piano) to the Aldeia do Xisto of Sobral de São Miguel, on July 14th, at 9:30pm.

These two young musicians are already leading figures in European jazz. Critics in their home country do not mince their words. Negro is "a pianist inhabited by poetry" (Michel Contat, in Telerama) and Parisien is the most promising hope for jazz in recent times (Francis Marmande, in Le Monde).

The music of Parisien and Negro has all the ingredients to be celebrated not only by the critics but also by the public, even those who are not connoisseurs of the canons of jazz and classical music.

Both channel music without frontiers, drawing from both erudite and traditional influences.

The collaboration between the two began in 2015, after working on a project based on György Ligeti's piano compositions entitled Métamorphoses Nocturnes.

Since then they have worked together in many contexts and the music they present today as a duo reflects this amazing complicity and an inexhaustible energy that makes their concerts a treat for all the senses.

Book your stay at bookinxisto.com.


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