National Soapbox Racing Championship - Aldeias do Xisto Circuit

National Soapbox Racing Championship - Aldeias do Xisto Circuit

Once again, the asphalt of the Aldeias do Xisto is the stage for a unique competition in our country, where masters of construction and the most indomitable drivers battle it out.

The roads of the Aldeias do Xisto are hosting another edition of the National Soapbox Racing Championships. There are  already five races  in the  Aldeias do Xisto Circuit which count towards the championship:

9 July: Mosteiro, Pedrógão Grande

8 October: Aigra-Nova, Góis

5 November: Gondramaz, Miranda do Corvo

19 November: Sarzedas, Castelo Branco

2 and 3 December: Pedrógão Pequeno, Sertã

The competition categories are:

  • Category A
  • Traditional
  • Modified
  • Tuning

The National Soapbox Racing Championship has brought back a very old traditional activity in Portugal within an environmentally friendly format connecting with our scenic, cultural and gastronomic heritage. This is open to all those who have the ability and skill that the activity requires.

Soapbox Racing

The soapbox vehicle forms part of the childhood imagination of several generations of children, who spent whole days handcrafting their soapboxes with wood and steel bearings, and then dashing intrepidly down the slopes. It was as close as you could get to the Formula 1 races you have seen on television. And they were fought over with the same verve.

“The soapbox may contain three or four bearings (almost always used, disposed of by car mechanics) and is constructed of a wooden body with a moving axle at the front, used to control the soapbox as it travels down the street. The brake should be a little longer than the distance of the soapbox to the ground and it needs to be in a diagonal position; to slow down the speed you should pull the piece of wood or a bar of iron to a position where it touches the ground”(1)...or the soles of shoes can be used as brakes until you wear them all out, to the despair of the mothers.
(1) Source: Wikipedia

Don’t let yourself be outdone, get involved.
We bet you can still drive.


Fugas Restaurant
Fugas Restaurant
Casa de Santo Antão
Casa de Santo Antão
Portela do Fojo
Vilar dos Condes
Vilar dos Condes
Vilar Cimeiro
Granny's Guest House
Granny's Guest House
Vila Facaia
Câmara Municipal de Pedrógão Grande
Câmara Municipal de Pedrógão Grande
Pedrógão Grande
Under the Sign of Cabril - Detour Intermodal Station of Vale de Góis - GRZ on Foot
Under the Sign of Cabril - Detour Intermodal Station of Vale de Góis - GRZ on Foot
Under the Sign of Cabril - Sra. da Confiança > Pedrógão Pequeno - GRZ on Foot: Stage 9
Under the Sign of Cabril - Sra. da Confiança > Pedrógão Pequeno - GRZ on Foot: Stage 9
Philippine bridge
Philippine bridge
Just You and the River - GRZ on Foot: Stage 6.1
Just You and the River - GRZ on Foot: Stage 6.1
Ermida da Sra. da Confiança
Ermida da Sra. da Confiança
Just You and the River - Philippine Bridge > Cabeço Mourisco Rest Area - GRZ on Foot: Stage 2
Just You and the River - Philippine Bridge > Cabeço Mourisco Rest Area - GRZ on Foot: Stage 2
Just You and the River - Pedrógão Pequeno > Ponte Filipina - GRZ on Foot: Stage 1
Just You and the River - Pedrógão Pequeno > Ponte Filipina - GRZ on Foot: Stage 1
GRZ on Foot  - Just You and the River [sector 6]
GRZ on Foot - Just You and the River [sector 6]
Just You and the River [GRZ - MTB sector 6]
Just You and the River [GRZ - MTB sector 6]
Junta de Freguesia de Pedrógão Pequeno
Junta de Freguesia de Pedrógão Pequeno
Pedrógão Pequeno
Pedrógão Pequeno
PR1 SRT Schist Walking Trail: Pedrógão Pequeno - Trilho dos Bufos (The Bubo Owl Trail)
PR1 SRT Schist Walking Trail: Pedrógão Pequeno - Trilho dos Bufos (The Bubo Owl Trail)
PR2 SRT Schist Walking Trail:Pedrógão Pequeno - The Zêzere Trail
PR2 SRT Schist Walking Trail:Pedrógão Pequeno - The Zêzere Trail
Trilhos do Zêzere
Trilhos do Zêzere
Pedrógão Pequeno, Sertã
Moinho das Freiras
Moinho das Freiras
Just you and the River [GR33 - GRZ: Canoeing]
Just you and the River [GR33 - GRZ: Canoeing]
Clássica Aldeias do Xisto: Pedrógão Pequeno - Gondramaz
Clássica Aldeias do Xisto: Pedrógão Pequeno - Gondramaz
Just You and the River - Cabeço Mourisco Rest Area > Atalaia Norte - GRZ on Foot: Stage 3
Just You and the River - Cabeço Mourisco Rest Area > Atalaia Norte - GRZ on Foot: Stage 3
Under the Sign of Cabril - Arrochela Rest Area > Sra. da Confiança - GRZ on Foot: Stage 8
Under the Sign of Cabril - Arrochela Rest Area > Sra. da Confiança - GRZ on Foot: Stage 8
Just You and the River - Atalaia Norte > Atalaia Sul - GRZ on Foot: Stage 4
Just You and the River - Atalaia Norte > Atalaia Sul - GRZ on Foot: Stage 4
Junta de Freguesia de Vila Facaia
Junta de Freguesia de Vila Facaia
Vila Facaia, Pedrógão Grande
PR6 SRT Schist Walking Trail: the Route of Aromas and Flavours
PR6 SRT Schist Walking Trail: the Route of Aromas and Flavours
ACRAMIOSO - Associação Cultural e Recreativa de Amioso
ACRAMIOSO - Associação Cultural e Recreativa de Amioso
Just You and the River - Atalaia Sul > Bouçã Viewpoint Rest Area - GRZ on Foot: Stage 5
Just You and the River - Atalaia Sul > Bouçã Viewpoint Rest Area - GRZ on Foot: Stage 5
Just You and the River - Bouçã Rest Area Viewpoint > Bouçã - GRZ on Foot: Stage 6
Just You and the River - Bouçã Rest Area Viewpoint > Bouçã - GRZ on Foot: Stage 6
Under the Sign of Cabril - Madeirã > Arrochela Rest Area - GRZ on Foot: Stage 7
Under the Sign of Cabril - Madeirã > Arrochela Rest Area - GRZ on Foot: Stage 7
GRZ on Foot  - Return to Serenity [sector 7]
GRZ on Foot - Return to Serenity [sector 7]
Return to Serenity [GRZ - MTB sector 7]
Return to Serenity [GRZ - MTB sector 7]
Return to Serenity - Bouçã > Prudência - GRZ on Foot: Stage 1
Return to Serenity - Bouçã > Prudência - GRZ on Foot: Stage 1
Casa do Olival

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