The Aldeia do Xisto of Sobral de São Miguel celebrates the Easter season with various initiatives. The concert "Cantos de Misericórdia e Paixão" (Songs of Mercy and Passion), organized in partnership with the Casa do Povo do Paúl, opens the program on April 13.
The very next day, egg and stone painting, along with making "rodilhas" (traditional crafts), take over the Casa do Saber Fazerread in xistopediaThis unique school’s mission is to promote the…. The workshops will run from April 14 to 19.
The celebrations also include the traditional Procession of the Penitents, taking place on April 17 and 18.
The already traditional Gastronomic Easter, which highlights the delicious dishes from Sobral, will close the festivities on April 19th.
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